
"40 yrs., 1 Family, 5 Daughters, 13 Grandkids, 6 Houses...Same Builder"

Bastian Homes - Building For Generations

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top 5 : Green Building Trends of 2011

BASTIAN BUILDS GREEN- Find out more Here

As with last year, green building consultant Jerry Yudelson published a top-ten list of green building trends for the next year. Yudelson explains that green building is growing in popularity across the globe — that “more people are going green each year, and there’s nothing on the horizon that will stop this trend.“ I’ve hand-picked some of Yudelson’s trends that will apply in the residential sector below:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TREND WATCH: Bigger Isn't Better

Bastian Homes - Mary Frederick
At long last America is starting to understand that progress isn’t necessarily measured by growth. We can strive for quality over quantity, reducing our carbon footprint, urban sprawl, energy use, pollution and waste.

Perhaps it started with the housing crash–Americans clued in that building McMansions cost more than they can afford to pay and consequently cost a lot to heat and maintain. New home construction trends show shrinking square footage, fewer bathrooms and more single story homes.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Geothermal Energy: Its about time!

It’s not a new discovery that buildings large and small can find a plentiful resource for heating and cooling just a few feet below them in the ground. And the technology to do so has really not advanced dramatically in recent decades.

But the use of geothermal heat pumps — also known as GHP or geoexchange — has soared in recent years, with more than 12 million installations in homes, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Where do you Stand? Find Out Now!

Outdoor Living Spaces
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In an age where consumers are becoming more and more in-tune to what is happening economically, what is the home-buyers mindset?  Are you afraid of another economic downturn?  Are you optimistic about the opportunity to buy when money is cheap and property value is down?  Where exactly do you fit into all of this..?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bastian Homes...Keeping up with the times

As the number of large development projects of new-homes decline, particularly in the planned community sector, builders and developers are rethinking their design strategies. Some of the large developers are selling smaller chunks of their land to developers for smaller building projects. Some of these developers are selling acquired land in smaller segments to builders who are now designing homes to fit life cycles well as life styles of people.